Degree level: Master of Science

Duration: 2 years

School: Industrial and Information Engineering

Language: English

Pre-approved study plans: Music Engineering and Acoustic Engineering

Courses: first year in common, second year depending on the study plan

Campuses: Milano Leonardo and Cremona

The MSc in Music and Acoustic Engineering is a two years course providing a total of 120 credits (ECTS).

The Master Program in "Music and Acoustic Engineering" forms experts and designers of technology with a deep background and the necessary expertise to solve advanced problems related to audio; acoustics; and music. More in detail, students of Music and Acoustic Engineering will develop a strong background on:

  • audio: acquisition/capturing, processing, analysis, synthesis, reconstruction/rendering, classification, storage, organization, representation and publishing;
  • music: analysis, classification, annotation, transcription, organization, modeling/representation, visualization, assistance to composition/orchestration/arrangement/production;
  • acoustics: analysis; control; characterization; improvement, optimization and design of musical instruments, of listening environments and vibrational systems in general; design of electronic devices for audio; electroacoustics.      

The first year strengthens the knowledge in the "reference disciplinary area" of this program (Computer Science), contextualized to acoustics, audio and music. In the second year the M.Sci. program branches out in two tracks, one mainly focusing on acoustics (with special emphasis on the vibrational, acoustic and timbral behavior of musical instruments; on room acoustics; and on sound and vibrations in general); and one mainly focusing on music technologies and sound processing.